
Long-Form Thoughts

Every so often I will share my thoughts on business, experiences in the computer science industry, and random experiences that I wish to highlight.

Below are just some of those thoughts. You can subscribe to my HEY World Blog to get my posts in real-time delivered right to your inbox and to view the entire archive.

My Thoughts

Measuring Progress Requires Context

November 25, 2023

I often question if I'm making any progress. How am I supposed to know that I'm advancing (personally, professionally, emotionally, etc.) in life?

Don't Half-Assign Work

August 14, 2023

A colleague or team member has just assigned you a new task, but they've already done all the investigation into the underlying issue, spec-d out a solution, and explained why going down this path is the correct choice. So, what work remains?

Reflecting on my second internship

August 6, 2022

I am entering the final week of my second technical internship. I've spent approximately 3 months working as a Backend Developer intern. In keeping with the theme that I started last year, below are some of the biggest lessons and pieces of advice (in no particular order) that I will bring with me to future professional opportunities.

Reflecting on my first software engineering internship

August 22, 2021

I just completed my first software engineering internship this past week. The opportunity to join a team enabled me to learn about the health and tech industries as a whole, software development, and myself.

Genuine appreciation is invaluable (to me)

April 12, 2021

Compensating individuals (monetarily or otherwise) for what they contribute is important. For me personally, there is a form of payment that is more valuable than anything else: genuine appreciation.

Slow down

April 8, 2021

If anything good were to come from this ongoing global pandemic, I was hoping that it would be that people would slow down. Maybe we (by "we" I mean humanity) wouldn't be in such a rush to get to where we are going or be in such a hurry to get to tomorrow.